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Special lecture on legal education for international students

Source:cie Time:2022-03-21

In order to strengthen the legal education of international students and improve the awareness of international students to abide by discipline and law, on the afternoon of March 18, the School of International Education invited Officer Guo Tao of the Exit-Entry Management Center of the Guilin Municipal Public Security Bureau to give a special lecture on legal education for international students in school, and in order to cooperate with the school's epidemic prevention and control work, the lecture was conducted in the form of online video.

In connection with the "Law of the People's Republic of China on exit-entry administration" and the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners" and other laws and regulations related to the management of students studying in China, Officer Guo specifically introduced the relevant contents in terms of entry and exit, stay and residence, passport replacement, visa extension, etc., and made a key interpretation of the "three nons" issues that are easy for international students to commit, such as illegal work, illegal residence, and illegal residence, hoping that international students can abide by discipline and law during their study in Guizhou and achieve success.

The international students attended the lecture carefully and deepened their understanding of China's foreign-related laws. Tang Junpeng, a representative of international students, said that through this lecture, he had a more comprehensive understanding of China's laws and regulations, and also had a more understanding of the relevant management systems of the school, which was of great help to future study and life.

(Written by: Huang Pengbo; Photo by: Wang Changliang;Reviewed by: Wei Bing)
