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Wei Bing

Source:CIE Time:2021-07-23

Of Han ethnic group, Professor Wei Bing is a male Doctor of Medicine, a member of the Communist Party of China, and a master’s supervisor.He successively graduated in clinical medicine from China Medical Universityand in advanced photonics medicine from Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan. He serves as Dean of College of International Education, and Director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange.His major social part-time occupationsare: Vice Chairman of Specialized Committee of Intelligent Medicine of China Medicine Association, standing member of the 1stProfessional Committee of Clinical Precision Medicine of Guangxi Medical Doctor Association, and Member of Organizing Committee of Virtual Reality of Educational Technology Branch of Chinese Medicia Association.

At present, he is committed to medical education, international medical care and training in first aid. The concentration of his research is diabetes complicationand tumor regulation.

(Updated May 2022
