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Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University

Source:CIE Time:2021-12-21

Founded in 1935, Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University is a comprehensive tertiary A hospital integrating medical care, teaching, scientific research, disease prevention and control, and first aid, an MOH international assistance net-work hospital& international SOSfirstaidcenter, a base for national pharmaceutical clinical test, one of the first batch of bases for National Health Commission’s normalized training for resident doctors, a base for training in blood purification of county-level hospitals throughout China, a hospital accredited by China Chest Pain Center, an institution of China Stroke Center Alliance, Guangxi Clinical Pathological Quality Control Center & Guilin Diagnosis Center, a Guangxi sub-center for the prenatal diagnosis forthalassemia, etc.

Currently, the hospital has over 3,200 staff members, of whom more than 650 are senior professionals, and more than 150 have doctorates. The numbers of its staff members with high senior titles and high educational level rank first among all the medical institutions in Guilin.The hospital has nearly 10 excellent scientific research teams, including Bagui Scholars Team, Guilin Lijiang Scholars Team,Team of Guangxi College Talents Highland,Team of Guangxi Center for Clinical Research on Nervous system, etc. Many of the staff members were selected into Guangxi Project of Ten Hundred Thousand Talents in the New Century as the second-level talents, the Hundred Talents Project for the introduction of high-level talents from abroad for the colleges and universities in Guangxi, and as the cultivation objectives of Guangxi“139”Project High-Level Backbone Medical Talents. Nearly 30 of them were evaluated as Outstanding Scholars, Guangxi Excellent Experts, Guangxi Distinguished Experts, Guangxi Famous Experts, and Guangxi Famous Traditional Chinese Doctors. Totally for 100 times, many of them have served as vice chairman or in a higher post of the committees of professional societies at the provincial level or above.

The hospital consists of 54 professional clinical departments with over 1,600 sickbeds, 10 departments of medical techniques, more than 60 specialized outpatient services for certain fields or diseases, and 6 compact medical alliances (Guanyang People’s Hospital, Quanzhou People’s Hospital, the People’s Hospital of Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County, Jiashan Community Healthcare Center, Changhai Community Healthcare Center, and Yinhai Branch, Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University).The hospital has 1 key discipline of Guangxi Health Commission (HepatopancreatobiliarySurgery), 2 key disciplines under construction (Respiratory and Critical Care Medicineand Cardiovascular Medicine), 1 key discipline of Guangxi medical and health care (Pediatrics), 3 key disciplines under cultivation (Cardiovascular Medicine, Anesthesiology, and Intensive Care Medicine), 16 provincial clinical key specialized departments (Nephrology Department, Pediatric Internal Department, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Department, Neurology Department, Neurosurgery Department, Anesthesiology Department, Clinical Nursing Department, Gastroenterology Department, Obstetrics Department, Endocrinology Department, Gynecology Department, Hematology Department, Dermatology Department, Nuclear Medicine Department, Clinical Pharmacy Department). The numbers of its key disciplines and specialized departments are far greater than those of other hospitals in Guilin.

In recent years, all the clinical and medical technical departments of the hospital closely followed the developmental steps of the related disciplines, and successively performed dozens of innovative medical techniques, such as minimally invasive surgeries, hematopoietic stem cell transplant, interventional diagnosis and therapy, digestive endoscopy technique, radiotherapy, dialysis, complicated cardiac surgeries and orthopedic surgeries, painless diagnosis and treatment, prenatal diagnosis, assisted reproduction, skin beauty, and cosmetic surgeries, etc. Many of them lead Guangxi, and are advanced nationwide.

The hospital treats about 2 million outpatients, finishes hospitalizing nearly 85,000 inpatients and performed more than 30,000 operations annually.The number of the patients receiving services from it leads the whole Guilin, and it is deeply trusted by the people.

The hospital has internationally advanced equipment for detection, diagnosis and treatment, including PET/CT scanner of Philips renowned as the golden standard of the diagnosis for critical diseases,angiography machine,Revolution CT system (256-slice) of the USA, DR,Siemens 3.0T MRI,Siemens Symbia T16 SPECT/CT, mammaryglandmolybdenumtargetmachine,Varian Linear Accelerator, EPIQ7 ultrasound machine,Voluson E10ultrasound system,ARIETTA70ultrasoundsystem, etc.,which provide strong support forthe earlydiagnosis and treatmentfor patients.

The hospital possesses 1 national level-2 lab for the scientific research on traditional Chinese medicine, 1 of the first batch of Guangxi clinical medical research center, 1 Guangxi center for research on the clinical transformation of digital medicine, 2 provincial key labs, 1 Guangxiworkstationfor academicians, 4 key labs and key labs under cultivation of Guangxi Health Commission, 1 key lab of Guangxi institutes of higher learning, 1 base for cultivating key labs of Guangxi institutes of higher learning, 1 cooperative innovation center of Guangxi institutes of higher learning, and 2 key disciplines and 2 characteristic disciplines with advantages of Education Department of Guangxi.

In 2006, the hospital obtained the authority to confer master’s degree.At present, it has 19 master’s programs and more than 100 master’s supervisors. In 2014, the hospital was added into the list of“institutions with doctoral programs under construction”.So far, it has had over 10 professors who had become doctoral supervisors of clinicalmedicineof Central South University.In 2015, the hospital was approved to set up a workstation for post-doctors’scientific research, which provided a platform with larger space at a higher level, for attracting, training and preserving a batch of high-layered medical talents.In recent years, the hospital’s staff members published nearly 300 SCI papers, undertook 127 national programs, and 281 ministerial and provincial programs; they received 33 ministerial and provincial scientific prizes, including 1 first prize of Guangxi Natural Science Prize, more than 10 first, second, third prizes of Guangxi Science and Technology Progress, and over 50 Guangxi Prizes for the Promotion of Eligible Technologies of Medicine and Healthcare. The numbers and ranks of the hospital’s prizes in scientific research top all the medical institutions in northern Guangxi.

As a teaching hospital, it has achieved abundant results in talent cultivation, specialty construction, and teaching reform.For 8 successive years, its team participated inNational Medical Collegiate Clinical Skills Competition, and achieved excellent results by winning 2 second prizes and 3 third prizes in the national final, and 2 top prizes and 2 first prizes in the southern China preliminary.

At present, the hospital has more than 1,200 nursing staff members, of whom over 150 have senior professional titles, and it owns Guangxi Clinical Internship Base for ICU Nurses, Guangxi Clinical Training Base for Professional Emergency Nurses, Guangxi Clinical Training Base for Diabetes Nurses, Guangxi Clinical Training Base for Neonatal Nurses, Guangxi Clinical Training Base for GerontologicalNurses, and Guangxi Clinical Training Base for Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nurses, exerting influence of leading and radiation prominently in northern Guangxi.The hospital enhances the cultivation of nursing talents, increases the level of specialized nursing, set up some specialized nursing service rooms for outpatients, including wound treatment area, PICC catheter room, etc. The hospital carries out in-depth high-quality nursing service, and was awarded the honorary titles of Prominent Ward in High-Quality Nursing Service, Guangxi Advanced Institution in High-Quality Nursing Service, Guilin Women’s Civilized Post, and Advanced Group in Women’s Achievements, etc.

Promote morals and excel in medicine, and save and protect lives. Always adhering to the service philosophy of taking humans as the basis, perceiving patients as the paramount, benefiting the world with kindness, and easing people’s anxieties, the hospital promotes its development with first-level technology,pioneersand innovates with scientific management, win a good reputation by providing high-quality service, and strives to construct itself into a high-quality Tertiary A hospital with appealing specialized characteristics and create a first-level modernized hospital.

(Updated April 2022
